My Dear Friend of Democracy,
I have been shopping in the supermarket in my rural home town in the south of Germany. At the entrance, there was a photo of Mr. Geier, the manager of the branch. That triggered me. I started counting. At the bakery. At the meat and sausage counter. Where people put new commodities on the shelves. At the checkout. I came up with 11 people. All women. You might, therefore, think that some things never change. When I was a child, many people in my home town (and not only here, of course) probably believed that if a man is the boss of women, that this is part of a natural order. Perhaps this idea is a minority opinion today. Possibly, many people today say that the gender distribution of supermarket employees is the result of individual freedom. Women simply prefer to work part-time to have time for children and housework still. Yet, the understanding of roles has remained unchanged. At least in terms of the result. At the least, there is still structural gender discrimination. At the least, that should change.
Because in a functioning democracy, everyone has the same opportunities.
See you in Democracy,
Johannes Eber
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