My Dear Friend of Democracy,
I love the written word.
Those who write can take their time, let thoughts come to them, express these thoughts by searching and finding appropriate words. As a consequence, written words are often more elaborate than spoken ones.
As with the writer, so with the reader. They can pause while reading, try to follow the author's thought, agree with it, or reject it. And: When reading, only the word counts; not the writer's skin colour, origin, gender, or age influences the reception of the text. – No communication is better suited than the written word to transport information, opinions and knowledge from A to B without distraction and bias.
Today's digital world has become a visual world. We understand through pictures and videos. At least, we believe so. A presidential candidate is shot. Covered in blood, he raises his fist in the air and shouts, "Fight, Fight".
That is what the pictures tell: There is a victim, a victim who fights, for his community, his country. Even willing to risk his life.
Words can do little against such images. Words would say that Donald Trump is at least also a perpetrator and not just a victim. That the USA has more guns than people. That Trump has always been supporting people having guns. Those words will be written. But they will no longer be heard. Humans are visual creatures. Sight is their strongest sense. And what they see tells a different story. The story of a fighting victim. A story Trump has been telling for a long time. Now, he has the perfect images to support this story, bloody well images. Donald Trump will be the next US president. I can't imagine it any other way. These pictures are too powerful. As sad as it is.
See you in Europe,