My Dear Friend of Democracy,
In a democracy, people are not only allowed to have an opinion and express it. Democracy is not just an offer. It is also a duty.
Because democracy is based on the premise that people really have opinions - and that these opinions are expressed.
Unlike in Putin's dictatorship, for example, where politics primarily serves to maintain the power of the rulers, where politics is made over the heads of the people, often against their will, politics in a democracy arises as a result of the opinions expressed by the people.
Some suspect that this is not the case.
In fact, the paths of political decision-making are sometimes convoluted. Difficult to understand. The results are often unsatisfactory.
However, what I have learned in my time close to politics is that successful politicians pay very close attention to which topic resonates with voters.
Democracy is similar to a market economy: the voters are the customers, the politicians are the providers. In the case of politics, the providers of political offers. And anyone who wants to be successful in this competition has to take care of the concerns of their customers.
But these customers have to know what they want. Politics in a democracy implements the ideas, concepts and opinions of the population. To do this, the population has to form an opinion - it's as simple as that - and express it (And it's best if people don't just have an opinion on one or two topics, otherwise, only these few opinions will be included in the political process).
As we know, there are many - and more than ever - ways to express our opinions. The most institutionalized and most important in a democracy is elections.
No democracy without going to the ballots.
Those who don’t think much of democracy, who think democracy isn't needed, don't vote - or vote for those who want to abolish democracy using democratic means. Everyone else votes for a democratic party at elections (for example, next Sunday in my home country, Germany). It is these people who ensure that the next parliament will be a parliament with predominantly democratic forces. These people express that they want to continue living in a democracy.
These people are aware of their responsibility in democracy.
As long as the majority acts that way, democracy has a future. Only that long.
See you in Democracy,
📸 Bundestag, Germany / 9 July 2023