
Let's wish well for the Syrian people.

For it is not a given that they will be able to actually turn this opportunity into a future in which they do have a say.

I firmly believe that this desire to have a say in your own future is deeply ingrained in human nature. It is the desire for freedom!

It is this desire for freedom that autocrats and dictators like Assad, Lukashenka, Putin, Kim or Xi have to keep a lid on to stay in power. Controlling the energy of freedom requires more energy. These styles of government need to expend more and more energy to stay in power. Secret police, prison systems and camps, torture, control of the press, faking a reality etc.

Yet at some point a weak point will give. In the case of Syria it was triggered by the assault of Israel at the powers holding the frail Assad regime in power.

The energy of freedom surpassed the available energy to control it.

Sadly, as much as this prozess is uncontrolable it is not linear. It can be cyclical, leading from suppression of freedom to new suppression by somebody else.

Yet I am sure: What we are witnessing in Syria gives hope to suppressed people globally and it puts the Putins of this world on notice.

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Rational analysis, coupled with hope. I like!

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